Friday, April 22, 2011

Oprah holding hands with people/awards/destiny.

The Oprah is an AMAZING woman. She has dominated everything she touches. Case in point, check out this picture of the world's most powerful trifecta: Oprah, Elmo and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.  Just look at them; a media mogul, a muppet, and a multiple peace prize winner glowing with the kind of joy akin to swimming in a pool of custom made cashmere, or watching kittens on youtube. Archbishop Tutu is loling! How awsome is that?!

Don't be fooled, this gang of three could turn at any moment.

Anyway, Oprah is a big fan of the side hug. Its a classy choice; conveys affection without mashing up goofy body parts while showcasing how awesome your teeth are.  Oprah does get tricked into some hand holding. It's.. awkward. Unless you happen to be a day time emmy award.

Oprah arm wrestles another trophy into submission

Let her go Whitney! 

This is what happens when you try to give someone a high five without saying "High Five!" 
Letterman looks such a jerk. Who does that?!

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